I feel as though it is so easy to get hung up on what is trending, and try to figure out prints and colors and pant length and blabby blabby blah, stop just stop! Why, why do we overcomplicate fashion, it’s not that complicated. I have decided to bring back (not as if they went anywhere), khakis and a white shirt. Like…what’s wrong with that? It is easy, simple, minimalist, & will always look tailored and fabulous. You can wear whatever shoe you want, put it on during whatever season your in, and just revel in your chicness. Try it. I promise you will not regret it.


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I love these pants, they make my seemingly large behind look nice, and they are khaki and that’s why we are all here. I can wear them in summer like this, or I can throw on a black leather boot and a blazer and bam all of a sudden I’m dressed for fall!

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OR, a nude ballerina flat, with a fun printed chiffon blouse or knit sweater anyone?

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Also, just a smile works.

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Last but not least, lets put on a striped sweater, a leather slide, and go sailing?