So I know, it has been a while! BUT in my defense, I have been trying to understand this whole online business and whatnot- talk about learning curve. Here are a few little snap shots of what has been going on in store, around my neck, and on my feet! We’ve got new jewelry in from ALI GRACE JEWELRY & of course KAI LINZ.  Ali Grace’s pieces are so cool- from brass collars to rose gold chokers, she selling in specialty boutiques across the country and also just got picked up by Barneys a couple seasons ago. These clogs by AGL and HENRY BEGUELIN are God’s gift to my feet, as is this rose gold hat by HOUSE OF LAFAYETTE. For more of my favorite things, click on STAFF PICKS on our new, wonderful, blood, sweat, tear and joy filled e-commerce site! You’ll be hearing a lot more from me! -xo, T

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